‘Worth every penny!’ Jane McDonald shares key tip for holidaymakers ahead of India cruise

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Jane McDonald has proven herself to be a big fan of cruises and has enjoyed taking cruises many times. Tonight, she shared details from her cruise around India on Channel 5.

The episode showed Jane begin her journey in Kolkata.

While there, she visited Asia’s largest flower market before watching traditional wrestling in the city.

Speaking of the events, she said: “I had some time to do some of the ‘must-dos’ according to the travel guides.”

The programme, which was filmed before coronavirus restrictions, saw Jane continue her adventures down India’s holiest river, the Ganges.

She cruised down the river on a five-star ship and made a number of key stops on the way.

The TV host visited Murshidabad where she visited the grand palaces of the city.

While in the area, she also veered away from the tourist spots to see local artisans at work.

“This trip is going to be a learning experience for you and me,” Jane stated ahead of her first outing.

When exploring the flower market, Jane explained she was provided a guide through the cruise.

If not provided, travellers can get a guide for an affordable price which Jane suggested was a worthwhile hack.

Jane explained: “The sights and sounds are overwhelming.

“It’s so easy to get lost in it all I got myself a guide.

“As part of the package, the ship supplied me with Vick.

“But you can book your own online for around 20 quid, and it’s worth every penny.”

She added: “It is an absolutely fascinating place.”

On board the ship, Jane shared she was equally impressed.

She added there was room for just 56 passengers.

This means it is a great one for getting to know other holidaymakers.

The ship has cabins ranging from standard to suites.

She said: That’s very unusual because cruises don’t usually have kettles in rooms.

“That is very exciting for me!”

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