‘Bonkers!’ Tenerife holidays threatened by new restrictions – ‘It’s not a holiday’

Johnson confirms new travel rules in England from January 7

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The maximum number of people allowed to meet up inside and outdoors in Tenerife is six. Covid passports have to be shown to enter every venue on the island.

Pubs and restaurants now have to close their doors at 12am under the new rules and will also have limited capacity.

The regional Government raised Tenerife’s alert level due to rising cases of Covid on the island.

Some British tourists have said the new rules would put them off holidaying in Tenerife.

Express.co.uk reader ‘Floydsview’ said: “Don’t go to Tenerife. It’s not a holiday, it’s more like a detention. Sad but true.

“And the vaccination pass to go into restaurants etc. is discrimination. Never before in the history of mankind have you had to show a medical pass to spend your money in a restaurant or bar. What next.”

To qualify for a Covid pass British tourists will need to be fully vaccinated, recently recovered or have a negative test result.

Longbranch262: “People must be bonkers to consider flying anywhere at the moment.”

All British tourists will need to be vaccinated to travel to Spain. Children under the age of 12 are exempt.

However, other tourists thought the restrictions were a price worth paying to escape to Tenerife.

Express.co.uk reader ‘Homeboygone’ said: “Not hard to put a mask on, is it? A small ask to enjoy the lovely Canary Islands and to escape the cold and wet weather.”

Another reader agreed, saying: “That’s right. We are popping over next week.”

Facemasks are mandatory indoors and outside throughout Spain as well as on all public transport.

Another Express.co.uk reader said: “We are here at the moment. We have been coming here for 20 years and other than facemasks requirement we wouldn’t know any difference.”

One person said they felt that the bar closing time was the only real difference from normal life in Tenerife.

They commented: “The only real difference from before is all the bars shut at midnight instead of 1am.

“But it’s winter so the sun goes down around six, so all you need to do is head to the bar an hour earlier than last week.”

However another reader said they felt that “Spain is shooting itself in the foot I fear” with the new restrictions.

British tourists returning from Tenerife will need to take a lateral flow test on or before day two after travel.

They must purchase a test from a Government approved provider which are listed on the Government website.

Other Canary Islands including La Gomera and El Hierro are still at level two Covid alert and have less restrictions.

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