British expats in France are trying to avoid other expats ‘like the plague’ –where to live

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Many Britons dream of relocating to another country and becoming expats. France is one of the most popular countries for British expats, but this seems to be a problem for some.

There are different types of British expats, French business advisor Valérie Aston told

She explained: “There are a few different types of expats, couples with children who want to come to France for a better quality of life.

“Then you have pre-retirees, in their fifties. They’ve had a good careers and already have their private pension but not their state one yet.

“So they may start a business to get some more cashflow, and it’s usually within tourism.”

Depending on which category British expats fall, they will pick different parts of France to relocate to.

Valérie said: “The really young expats come to Paris and work for international companies.

“But they usually don’t stay, they’ll do two to three years in big cities in France and then go somewhere else.”

She continued: “For a house with a garden for your children, Paris is not ideal.

“British expats will prefer a smaller city, like Nantes or Bordeaux.”

While Valérie spoke from her experience as a business advisor, British expats in France have taken to social media to explain why they picked their new homes.

And one reason that came up was fellow Britons.

On Twitter, L M Krier said: “I picked the Auvergne partly because there are so few Britons here.”

While another expat picked a different region, but for the same reason.

Bren Kuebler said: “The same is true for the Drôme, and that was one major reason behind our choice, too.

“Plus, it was close enough for work in Lyon/Geneva (and Lyon airport for work travel).

“The Britons we know here are all of the same mindset.

“We weren’t looking for British/expat communities. At all.”

And Mags D replied: “I’m with you there – to be fair, there aren’t many near where we live in Gironde and most want to integrate into French life and learn the language if they don’t already speak French.

“We avoid the typical ‘ex-pat’ like the plague.”

For Britons wanting to make the move to France while avoiding fellow British expats, Twitter users has a tip.

To avoid “bragging” and “loud, rude expats”, Roly Peck said it was best to move to rural areas.

She wrote: “I think the more rural you get, the less you find that.”

L M Krier agreed: “Yes indeed, largely because no amount of shouting very loudly in English will get you very far in such places.”

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